Aborto Legal Colombia Wikipedia

Similarly, there are countries where abortion on demand is not legal, but their laws are relaxed in the face of this practice and decriminalize them almost in all circumstances; Doctors who perform abortions are almost not prosecuted, although any woman who wants to have an abortion needs permission from them, as she is not regulated on request; namely: Barbados, Finland, India, Israel, Japan, Great Britain, Taiwan and Zambia. On the other hand, not all subnational jurisdictions have legalized abortion on demand (which has led to the exclusion of Mexico and the United Kingdom, for example). In the UK, it is only legal at the request of the woman in Northern Ireland and Mexico, it is only legal in Mexico City and some states. On the 26th. In July 2011, the Constitutional Court ruled unanimously 9-0 (in Case C-577/2011) that, although it cannot change the definition of marriage as “the union of a man and a woman”, same-sex couples have the right to found a family. The court ordered the Colombian Congress to pass a law addressing this issue within two years (until June 20, 2013), whether by legalizing same-sex marriage or another marriage-type association. If such a law was not passed within that period, the court ruled that same-sex couples would automatically be able to register their relationship with a notary. [9] [23] [24] In 2011, four bills to recognize same-sex couples were announced in Congress; Two used the word “marriage” and the other two formed civil partnerships. [25] Colombia`s inspector general, Edgardo Maya Villazón, called on the court to decriminalize abortion in cases of maternal health, life-threatening fetal malformations, and conception without the woman`s consent (in legal terms, conditionally constitutional Article 122). At the constitutional level, the Inspector General considered that the right to life should be reconciled with the principle of human dignity and interpreted in parallel. [3] The Inspector General concluded that the criminalization of abortion in the above cases constitutes an unreasonable and disproportionate sanction that violates a woman`s human rights. A survey conducted in early 2005 on behalf of the Argentine branch of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation found that 76% of respondents were in favour of legalising abortion in cases of rape (i.e.

regardless of the woman`s mental capacity) and that many (69%) also wanted abortion to be legalised if the fetus suffered from a deformity that prevented it from surviving outside the womb. [60] Las reformas se llevaron a cado en el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Durante las elecciones intermedias de 2021, el actual gobernador, Rubén Rocha Moya, no se mostró a favor del aborto electivo. He even asked for it to be put to a referendum, but that didn`t happen because in Mexico the right cannot be consulted. With the arrival of the new federal administration, that of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, also from the PAN, the anti-right crusade gained much more strength. This time, the so-called “defense of the right to life” played a central role, although a wave of violence was also triggered by a failed strategy to combat organized crime that has not stopped to this day. As part of his 2006 election manifesto, he proposed the promotion of “public policies and programmes in the field of sex education and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies that respect the right to life from the moment of conception”. In 2007, during an official visit by then-Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Jeria, she said that possible legislation releasing abortion “would only divide Mexicans, so it would be better to promote only actions that everyone agrees on,” as well as “work more on values education” and “regulate adoption.” In 2011, the penultimate year of his mandate, he called on the Senate to withdraw the 1981 interpretative declaration on Article 4 of the American Convention on Human Rights. This text literally states that “everyone has the right to have their life respected. This right is protected by law and generally from the moment of conception. No one can be arbitrarily deprived of his life.

[185] Mexico, for its part, has always expressed that this paragraph, based on the word in general, means that there should be no absolute obligation to further criminalize abortion or restrict the sexual and reproductive rights of Mexican citizens by giving Legal Personality to Nasziturus. This President asked for the above, since the General Constitution since 2011 obliges all authorities to promote, respect, protect and guarantee human rights in accordance with international treaties, promoting at all times the fullest protection of the individual. Fortunately, his proposal was never accepted. [186] [187] [188] [189] The World Health Organization has proposed to address the problem of induced abortion with methods that are dangerous to women by proposing the legalization of abortion, training of medical personnel, and access to reproductive health and family planning services. [253] Local law does not yet formally recognize the concept of surrogate mother to include gender diversity, but the local constitution generally allows for the human rights of everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. There has never been an anti-abortion ban in the local constitution. Voluntary abortion is fully decriminalized and legalized until the thirteenth week of pregnancy, since March 2022 due to amendments to the Penal Code, the Health Act, the Law on Women`s Access to a Life Free from Violence, the Civil Code and the Family Code. In a survey conducted in September 2011, the nonprofit Organization Catholics for Choice found that 45 percent of Argentines were in favor of abortion for some reason in the first twelve weeks. The same survey, conducted in September 2011, also suggested that most Argentines were in favor of the legality of abortion when a woman`s health or life is at risk (81%), when the pregnancy is due to rape (80%) or the fetus has serious abnormalities (68%).

[62] Voluntary abortion has been fully decriminalized and legalized until the twelfth week of pregnancy, since April 2007 due to amendments to the Criminal Code and the Health Act.) Subsequently, in June 2021, an attempt was made to increase the time limit to 20 weeks, but it was only in sexual assault cases that it was rejected because it violated federal laws (General Victims Act and NOM-046-SSA2-2005). In this way, and taking advantage of the 2016 constitutional amendment (which officially wiped out the Federal District and created Mexico City), it was preferred in August 2021 to enact a new health care law that complies with federal regulations on abortion by rape (the first in the country). The initiative began in 1990 at the V Feminist Meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean and the call has been extended internationally and accepted by international and local networks in many countries in Europe[1], Africa, Asia and North America. [2] According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), eight percent of women`s deaths worldwide are due to unsafe abortions. [3] On July 24, 2013, a Bogotá judge declared a same-sex couple legally married after deciding to accept the application on July 11. They were the first same-sex couple to marry in Colombia. [37] [38] In September 2013, two judges married two same-sex couples. [39] The first marriage was challenged by a conservative group and initially annulled. In October, however, the Supreme Court of Bogotá retained the validity of this marriage.

[40] [41] The issue of same-sex marriage was again considered by the Constitutional Court after the Office of the Inspector General ordered the court to annul all marriages. [42] A hearing was scheduled for May 7, 2015. [43] It was postponed because some judges were not present and a new public hearing was held on July 30, 2015. A verdict is expected before August 31, 2015. [44] It is estimated that more than half a million women die each year, mainly in developing countries, from causes related to pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and unsafe abortion, a reality that has not been addressed with political will by governments and responsible agencies.